5 Reasons Behind Choosing a Remote Access Home Security System


Remote access gives you the golden opportunity of controlling smart devices like alarms, door locks, lights, fans, thermostats, monitors, cameras and so on through an app on your smartphone, tablet or computer from any place in the world. According to your preferences, you will get the notification also. So let’s talk about five advantages of having a remote access security system-


Always Keep Eye on Your Home

Remote access home security system gives you the opportunity of knowing almost everything about your home while attending a party, trip or out to dinner. If there are some irregularities, such that, you may forget to close the door or window, lights or fans on problems, alarm system problems etc, you can easily fix them if they are smart home devices.


The smart door system is capable of providing you with the details of the people locking or unlocking your door. And you secure your house by providing your near and dear ones their unique keypad code so that your smartphone empowers you to who will get the door access.


If there is a person without a keypad code such that a delivery man, a neighbour, you can easily interact with them through a doorbell camera. And for the frauds, you have the control in your hand.



This system allows you to manage energy consumption and save money. Besides saving your money, it is also eco friendly. As the temperature of the thermostat has Z-Wave technology, is controllable from anywhere by a smartphone. Some advance thermostats like Frontpoint’s, provide you with the time schedule feature, allowing you to select your time schedule according to your requirements.


Temporary and Supervised Access Feature

You can manage temporary passcode so that you do not need to worry about the ones whom you cannot trust, such that, your dog walker or your house cleaner. You simply provide them with the temporary passcodes and keep eye on them with a surveillance camera through your smartphone. Even you can talk to them through some camera like Frontpoint’s. And if the person leaves you can deactivate the keypad code until you need it.

An extra layer of security

An alarm system and monitoring system is capable of catching any irregularities in your house and it is nice to have a security system in your house. But most of the intruders targets an empty house. And it is impossible to turn on your lights for a long while you are not at the home because it will definitely increase your current bill.


Still, you can handle this situation with smart light. You can switch the light through your smartphone from anywhere according to your preference and show your house is not empty.


Profound peace to you

This remote access based home security system provides you profound peace whether you are out of station or on a long trip. And you have the control to handle almost any situation with this amazing technology.
